Det. Sudler:
Yeah. Willie Burdette is his name.
Det. Sudler:
Willie Burdette. Alright. And you mentioned that there
was another physician on duty.
Yes. David Niles was on duty.
Det. Sudler:
David Niles. Okay. Did he have any contact with Lisa?
Well, when she first came in, I was unable to get her
entubated. He came in the room cause usually we.. .we get two guys doing this. He actually did the entubation on her. Umm. . . and then assisted with the CPR. I think I put a line in her. . .we had trouble getting an I.V. line.. .1 think I put a.. .I’m not sure.. .we’ll have to check the record of it. So I haven’t looked at it.
Det. Sudler:
. Uh. . .I think I put an I.V. line in her groin and we gave
her some fluids and stuff like that. But umm. . .he
helped with the resuscitation but it was....
Det. Sudler:
Okay. So Willie I guess went out and. . .and brought her
into you. The first contact you had with her was in
the.. . in the, ER itself or did you, assist in bringing her.
in at all?
Uh. . .well, he brought her through the doors and then
I.. .there’s a little hallway and then the room we ‘put them in is, right there. So I saw her when he brought her through the doors and then I sort of was next to the wheelchair as he wheeled it up to the table,. And then we. . .you know. . .we lifted her up and put her on the table. . .on the resuscitation table.
Det. Sudler:
So her basic condition when you first saw her was
in the wheelchair slumped?
Right. . .
Det. Sudler: Backwards?